If you study Get Lost closely—read the journal, browse the catalog, maybe try my grilled trout recipe—I think you’ll see that at every turn I try to stay true to a guiding idea: Wilderness makes us better. It’s a value that was shared with me when I was young. It’s a value that seems worth passing on, now more than ever.
"There is a wildness within us that attunes us to our better selves"
Owning a small business like Get Lost has me wearing many hats. I write the journal. I film the videos. I manage the catalog. If you buy something, I'm the one who wraps it up and drops it in the mail. But ownership has also come with many unexpected rewards. Most notably, new friendships. I have found myself blessed by the company of adventurous people who as a whole have proven generous, quick to laugh, and open-minded. Again and again, I have encountered a depth of character and a radiant spirit that I admire and hope to emulate. Their adventurous spirit, in a very real way, is now part of Get Lost too.
And one more thing. Thank you. Thank you for supporting this project and everything it represents. I truly mean that. Thank you for writing positive reviews. Thank you for your encouraging emails. Thank you for watching my videos—even the bad ones. Thank you for commenting on my blog and reading my book. Thank you for slapping Get Lost stickers on your cars and water bottles. I know there are thousands of other stores out there. Thank you for choosing this one.
Brian Meier, Founder